※サイン会参加は原則1日1アーティストのみとなりますので、半券を確認させていただくのはこのためとなります。 ただし、上記配布時間以降、残りの整理券がある場合は11:00以降11:30までの間に、1度整理券を配布した方に対しても追加の整理券を配布する場合がございます。
Autograph Sessions
Autograph Session Token will be given out at 9:00AM
To participate Loud Park Autograph sessions, please refer to the followings:
※We will start giving out token at 9:30AM. (~11:00AM if any left) at Autograph Session Booth. First come first served.
※Each participating artist has a limited quota of tokens.
※In order to acquire token, one must purchase a festival pamphlet available at merchandise stand, or at the Token queue point. In the case of pamphlets sold out, other merchandise will be applicable as long it’s a festival official merchandise (not individual artist’s merchandise). However it is us, the organizer to judge if and when the pamphlets are sold out.
※Along with the festival pamphlet, we will also ask to show us your ticket stub, so please hang on to it.
※One Token per person per day. You cannot try and acquire token for more than 1, meaning you need to make up your mind which artist you would like to have the autograph signed. This does not change the situation even when you brought 2 or more ticket stubs, each person is allowed to acquire only one token per day.
※Rarely, there are some tokens left and available, we will then have a second-round of give-out at 11:00AM, only then the second-timers also can acquire second token. First come First served.
Notice during the sessions
※Only 1 item per person (doesn’t have to be the pamphlet)
※There will be an autograph session time table, however please be aware it is subject to change without notice.
※Anyone who was late or didn’t show in time will not be allowed to participate, even with the right token.
※Anyone who does not follow orders and rules will be asked to leave the autograph session booth, and worst case, will be asked to leave the venue. Yet, we will not make a refund of pamphlet or the ticket. Please beware one unreasonable behavior could lead to cancellation of the entire autograph session.
※NO photos and videos allowed during the autograph sessions.
※There are only limited time for each artist to attend the autograph session, and no hogging artist’s time only for yourself. Please make a swift way out, once your item is signed.